Post kali ni nak lari sikit pasal wedding bole? :) Semalam baru selesai perhimpunan oleh pihak pembangkang. Konfirm ramai pembaca penyokong pembangkang. Tak pe tak kisah. Masing-masing ada pendapat masing2. Dah gaduh di Facebook, sana sini, sorang tuduh ni, sorang tuduh ni. Kelakar pun de. Tak habis2. Dan benda ni takkan habis selagi kerajaan tak bertukar. :) Kan.
Dari yang suka mengutuk A-Z, saya suka quote dari Mat Luthfi.
Buat Kerajaan
Di atas kebenaran
Berhimpun, berjalan.
Buat Pakatan
Di atas penganjuran
Demonstrasi aman.
Pihak keselamatan
Di atas kawalan
Menghindar rusuhan.
Salam perjuangan
Buat rakan taulan
Rakyat marhaen
Yang menyinsing lengan.
Moga demokrasi ini
Terus berjalan
Walau kuasa berganti
Rakyat paling hadapan.
Ayat mat luthfi ni memang terbaik. tak yah nak gaduh-gaduh. lagi senang. semua fair. Tapi tetap semua orang ada pendapat masing2 kan. Pembangkang dengan tuntutan-tuntutan yang tak sudah. Ada benar tu. And tadi terjumpa satu blog, huraian tentang 10 tuntutan ni. Hanya copy paste, and rasa ada betulnya. Harap semua ni berakhir. Pening tengok bila politics everywhere. Sian mangsa tak de air dekat sekitar ampang. Keep read. :)
And here are my thoughts on the Pakatan's 10 points.
Pakatan's 10 Point Declaration
The Pakatan guys have read out a 10 point declaration at the Himpunan yesterday. Helen Ang has compiled her own list of 10 points. Here are the Pakatan's 10 points
And here are my thoughts on the Pakatan's 10 points.
1. Free and fair elections.
The Pakatan feels that in the 2008 elections their victory over five states (Kelantan, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor) was won unfairly. They hereby also admit that they secured 70 Parliamentary seats also through fraud.
They feel that the last PKR party elections were clean and fair. As a result of the fairness, Zaid Ibrahim quit from the PKR and set up his own party Kita. Zaid made serious allegations about the unfairness of the PKR elections. Another fellow who said the same thing was Gobala.
Then in the latest fiasco, the DAP changed the results of their party elections which enabled Lim Guan Eng's aide an elected seat in their CEC. Many DAP grassroots members have called for the DAP elections to be held again. The DAP has refused. These are the type of free and fair elections in the Pakatan.
2. Save Felda.
Why not? They have already saved Talam. They have also saved Upayapadu or something with 10.500 acres of land in Kelantan. They have also saved condo developers in Penang.
3. Restore Sabah and Sarawak rights
This means give more money to Chinese timber tycoons in Miri, Sibu and other places who support the DAP. They pay the Ibans RM15 a day in wages to extract timber that is sold for hundreds or thousands of Ringgit per tonne. The Iban timber workers live in huts and buy used clothes by the kilo. Their timber tycoon employers all support the DAP. Has the DAP ever said anything bad about the timber business and the Chinese timber tycoons in Sarawak?
4. 20 % Petroleum Royalty for oil producing states.
20% only? Why so stingy? Why not an equal 50% petroleum royalty sharing between the State and Petronas? The Pakatan is being stingy. 20% is not enough for the oil producing States. It should be 50% sharing petroleum royalty or nothing. OKlah if 50% is too much, then why not 35%? Why only 20%? Better to share 35% royalty. Ok lah sap-sap-sui also 30%. Lets share 30%? Can or cannot? Why only 20%?
5. Safeguard the future of civil servants including teachers and security forces.
This is another lie by the Pakatan. Tony Pua said if Pakatan rules the country, the Civil Service will be reduced. Sudah lupa kah kawan? This means if Pakatan rules, maybe 10%, 20% or 30% of Civil Servants will lose their jobs.
Itu Ariffin Omar of DAP pula cakap there is corruption in the Gomen because too many Malays are concentrated in the Civil Service. This means the Pakatan will cut down the number of Malays in the Civil Service too. Malays can go and work elsewhere. That is what he meant.
6. A clean and healthy environment
Helen Ang has already uploaded pictures of a dirty and unhealthy Subang Jaya with garbage not collected. In Kedah, the jungle around the Pedu Dam is being chopped down clean. No more jungle. In Kelantan the jungle is being clear felled (trees of all sizes cut down) and the Orang Asli are complaining their traditional land is being exploited by timber companies. Ngeh and Nga say there are no Orang Aslli at all on their 10,500 acre timber land in Kelantan. Not even one Orang Asli !! Orang Asli dont like Gua Musang.
7. Strengthen the National Language as well as the mother tongue.
Helen Ang points out that the Selangor Times is in English and Chinese. No Malay. Penang now speaks English. I think PPSMI must continue.
8. Free all the political detainees.
This is another red herring. Can the Pakatan name at least one political detainee in Malaysia? Lim Guan Eng has passed a law to prevent party members from joining other political parties. They call it the anti-hopping law. This means they want to detain people inside their party.
This means once you join the DAP or Pakatan, you are a detainee. You cannot change to another political party. This is against the basic freedom of association which is guaranteed under the Constitution of all civilised countries including Malaysia. But the DAP and the Pakatan have already passed legislation to restrict this basic freedom of association.
The Pakatan has also banned newspapers and media that they dont like from reporting about their functions. This also goes against the basic idea of freedom of speech and freedom of the Press.
9. Save our heritage and traditional kampongs.
The BN has rejuvenated Little India areas in KL, Klang, Penang and other places. Melaka has made Kampong Morten recognised as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. Both Penang and Melaka have been awarded World Heritage sites by UNESCO under the BN. Also Kilim GeoPark in Langkawi and Kampong China in Kuala Terengganu are Heritage Sites.
In Penang within one year of taking over the State gomen, Lim Guan Eng destroyed the traditional Kampong Buah Pala to build condos. Kampong Buah Pala is an old and long inhabited traditional Indian settlement in Penang. Now it has been destroyed under Lim Guan Eng and expensive condos will be built there.
10. Better living standards for women
Except in Kelantan, Kedah and Bangi. Women in Kelantan cannot work after certain hours, cannot work in certain jobs. Female hairdressers in Kelantan can only cut the hair of female clients. (Same applies for male hairdressers). This restricts the economic opportunities for women. Maybe in the future women cannot ride motorcycles or even go out of the house. Women cannot become leaders or hold leadership positions over men.
See, ada true kan? huhu. Entahla. masing-masing ada pendapat masing-masing. Hanya doa Malaysia ni aman, hidup sejahtera. Tak pe la orang lain buat korupsi, yang penting kita dapat rezeki halal, dapat tanggung diri sendiri, hidup sederhana dan boleh beribadah, Insyallah. Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki ku and buka pintu hati umat Islam Malaysia bersatu bukan hanya kerana pangkat, cukai, duit dan duit........ walaupun gua suka duit. hahaha.
p/s: petikan text dari OutSyed the box.
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